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A more capable change Lifepo4 akulaadija elective is a full-wave rectifier, mis kasutab vahelduvvoolu lainekuju erinevaid külgi. For information on how half-wave and full-wave rectifiers work.
The rectifier is utilized to changes and swaying two-directional exchanging current into One direct directional current. Rectifiers can take different genuine designs, from vacuum tube diodes and valuable stone radio beneficiaries to introduce day silicon-based plans. Among this multitude of force frameworks, a rectifier is probably the most ideal decision.
Kõige keerulisemad alaldid, tuntud kui poollaine alaldid, töötamiseks visake vahelduvvoolu üks pool ära, subsequently allowing one course of current to go through. Kuna pool Lifepo4 akulaadijast jääb kasutamata, poollaine alaldid tekitavad erakordselt ebaefektiivse muutuse.
Rectifiers are used in various contraptions. Paralleelne inverter Since the standard electrical appointment grid uses AC power, any device that unexpected spikes sought after for DC power will require a rectifier to work precisely. Basically all state of the art devices need the predictable, alalisvoolu pidev võimsus elujõuliseks tööks.
Additionally, we use rectifiers to change the voltage in DC power systems. Since it is modestly difficult to change over DC voltage directly in specific circumstances, the least demanding plan may be the going with framework.
In two or three usages, ehtne alaldi teenib kiiret piirangut pärast vahelduvvoolu vahetamist alalisvooluks. Võtke, näiteks, üks varasemaid raadioid: väärtuslik vääriskivist raadio. This contraption used a fine wire pressed against a diamond (we would now imply this part as a diode), which changed the turning current radio sign clearly, heli isoleerimine ja heli edastamine kõrvaklappidesse. Exactness rectifiers are at this point being utilized in specific sorts of radios today.
One more illustration of direct amendment is fire correction. Selles rakenduses, a blazes goes probably as a rectifier on account of the differential in flexibility among electrons and positive particles present in a fire. We use the changing effect of fire on AC in gas warming structures to arrange the nature of the fire.
You can discover the wide assortment of rectifiers at sensible rates. In this manner, pakume igale oma kliendile laialdast valikut, et valida nende kasutamiseks parim.
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